The PASAI regional Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) has members from the Australasian Council of Auditors-General (ACAG) and the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

The purpose of the PASAI WGEA is to encourage and build capacity within PASAI for environmental audits. The PASAI WGEA was formed in 2001 with the support and encouragement of the INTOSAI WGEA, and after a favourable survey of interest in starting such a group within the PASAI region. Currently, the Auditor-General of the SAI New Zealand is the Chair of the PASAI WGEA. The SAI New Zealand leads and co-ordinates regional WGEA activities in PASAI and is also a member of the WGEA steering committee.

The PASAI WGEA meets every two years and has met ten times since it was formed. All meetings have been hosted by Australian audit offices and they are a mixture of presentations from SAIs on their environmental auditing activities, expert speakers, and workshop discussions. The emphasis of the first three meetings was on building capacity through training and workshops. Later meetings have considered environmental issues such as biodiversity, climate change, and fresh water.

PASAI WGEA meetings have also considered how to encourage and support co-operative environmental audits, including those conducted within PASAI on the topics of solid waste, improving access to safe drinking water, sustainable fisheries and climate change adaptation/disaster risk recovery. 

Find out more about the activities from the PASAI homepage.

For more information please contact the regional coordinator Jonathan Keate at





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