WORK PACKAGE 5: Increasing understanding of environmental SDGs

WORK PACKAGE 5: Increasing understanding of environmental SDGs

WORK PACKAGE 5: Increasing understanding on environmental SDGs 

Work Package 5 includes conceptual work on SDGs, and it sums up the experiences of Work Packages 2–4. It aims at increasing the understanding of the environmental SDGs among the INTOSAI community. It builds on the WGEA discussion paper on SDGs developed in 2017–2019 and enriches it with new audit experiences. This Work Package is intended to be useful for the whole INTOSAI and the United Nations, and it could include cooperation with other INTOSAI Working Groups. 

The two targets of Work Package 5 are developing understanding on auditing SDGs from environmental perspective and communicating the results to the INTOSAI community. 
Actions in target for developing understanding on auditing SDGs from environmental perspective 

  • Review and promote discussion on auditing SDGs from an environmental perspective 
  • Provide analyzed information on tools to assess the policy coherence and including environmental concerns in all SDGs 
  • Sum up experiences from WP 2–4 

Actions in target for communicating the results to the INTOSAI community 

  • Based on all Work Packages and an inventory of existing guidance, supplement the WGEA discussion paper on SDGs  
  • Communicate the package effectively (with the help of infographics, videos, etc.) 

Leaders: Secretariat, SAI Canada and leaders of project groups 2 (India), 3 (the USA) and 4 (China, Indonesia and Thailand) 

Project group: The Czech R., Fiji, Kuwait, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Sudan and Ukraine 

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